100% RSPO certified sustainable palm oil and committed to no deforestation.

We are aware that the palm oil supply-chain faces environmental challenges, particularly concerning its impact on deforestation. That's why Ferrero is committed to leading the way in driving the sustainable transformation of the palm oil sector and has been one of the first global companies to obtain a 100% RSPO-certified segregated palm oil supply-chain.

Descubra nosso óleo de palma
100% traceable
palm oil
The palm oil we use in Nutella® is 100% sustainable palm oil, traceable back to the mills. It mainly originates from Malaysia (averaging around 80% of our volumes) followed by Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

The RSPO has developed a set of environmental and social criteria which companies must comply with in order to produce sustainable palm oil (Certified Sustainable Palm Oil - CSPO). These criteria aim to enforce sustainable practices in the cultivation of palm oil.
The palm oil in Nutella® comes from a certified ‘segregated’ supply-chain. It is sourced from different certified plantations and is kept separated from ordinary palm oil throughout the entire supply-chain. Through this system, 100% of our palm oil can be traced back to the mills, guaranteeing that it does not come from plantations subject to deforestation.
The 7 principles of RSPO
To be certified by RSPO, palm oil growers need to comply with the following seven principles (RSPO Principles & Criteria 2018 update):

Princípio 1: Comportar-se de forma ética e transparente
Princípio 2: Operar legalmente e respeitar direitos
Princípio 3: Otimizar a produtividade, eficiência, impactos positivos e resiliência
Princípio 4: Respeitar à comunidade e os direitos humanos e proporcionar benefícios
Princípio 5: Apoiar a inclusão de pequenos agricultores
Princípio 6: Respeitar aos direitos e condições dos trabalhadores
Princípio 7: Proteger, conservar e melhorar os ecossistemas e o meio ambiente. Como parte desse princípio, o critério 7.12 exige que novos plantios não causem desmatamento ou substituam qualquer área necessária para manter ou melhorar o HCV - Alto Valor de Conservação. O HCV são valores biológicos, ecológicos, sociais ou culturais de notável significância ou importância crítica dentro de uma paisagem.
Para saber mais, acesse aqui *RSPO: https://rspo.org/

Going beyond certification
To strengthen our commitments beyond RSPO certification, in 2013 Ferrero developed the Ferrero® Palm Oil Charter working together with suppliers to pursue a path that will avoid deforestation, species extinction, high emission of greenhouse gases and violation of human rights. Moreover, to further increase transparency on our supply-chain we regularly voluntarily disclose the latest traceability data on our supply mills. You can find the latest release here.
Ferrero is also a member of POIG (Palm Oil Innovation Group), an initiative comprising growers, manufacturers and NGOs working together to transform the palm oil industry. To discover more, visit here.

Você sabia?
O fornecimento de óleo de palma da Ferrero reduz a emissões de GEE em -56%* em comparação com o óleo de palma não certificado. Este é o resultado de um estudo totalmente compatível com a ISO 14044 em 2019 para identificar os impactos ambientais do nosso fornecimento de óleo de palma. * Por kg de óleo de palma refinado, branqueado e desodorizado (RBD).
Monitoramento do uso da terra graças a uma rede de satélites
Para reforçar nossos princípios sobre o não desmatamento, usamos ferramentas como a inovadora tecnologia Starling para monitorar em tempo real toda a nossa cadeia de fornecimento de óleo de palma para garantir que seja livre de desmatamento. Graças a este sistema, que usa uma combinação de radar de alta resolução e imagens ópticas de satélite, podemos mapear o uso da terra com um detalhe de até 1,5 metros e identificar o desmatamento potencial. Neste caso hipotético, somos capazes de investigar e agir em conformidade.
O mapa de Starling discerne plantações de palmeiras, florestas naturais e outras áreas, agora vamos descobrir como funciona concretamente neste vídeo !

Our efforts are acknowledged by WWF
Our efforts are recognised by trusted NGOs such as WWF. In its 2020 Palm Oil Buyers' Scorecard, which evaluates global companies for their support of sustainable palm oil, WWF lists Ferrero as number 1 out of 173. With a score of 21.5 out of 22, WWF ranks Ferrero as leading the industry of major global retailers, consumer goods manufacturers and food service companies. Ferrero is especially recognised for its efforts that address the issue of deforestation in tropical areas and for the transparency of its supply-chain. This result is a very important recognition for our efforts in sustainable palm oil and a great encouragement to continue our journey.