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Christmas recipe

Holiday Peek-a-boo French Toast with NUTELLA® hazelnut spread

French toast with a surprise.

There’s a fantastic little surprise between two pieces of French toast—it’s NUTELLA® hazelnut spread! Holiday Peek-a-boo French Toast is a breakfast the whole family will love.

25 min
Peek-a-boo French Toast with NUTELLA®

INGREDIENTS for 4 portions

  • 8 slices of bread

  • 3 eggs

  • ¼ cup milk

  • ½ teaspoon vanilla

  • pinch of salt

  • 4 tbsp NUTELLA® hazelnut spread, 1 tbsp per serving


  1. Peek-a-boo French Toast with NUTELLA®  1

    In a small bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla and pour into a shallow container.

    Place 4 slices of bread on a cutting board. Using a holiday shaped cookie cutter, cut a shape out of the center of each slice of bread. Leave the other 4 slices whole.

  2. Peek-a-boo French Toast with NUTELLA® 2

    Dip all bread pieces in the egg mixture.

    In a non-stick skillet, cook each piece until golden brown, then flip to cook the other side.

  3. Peek-a-boo French Toast with NUTELLA® 3

    Spread NUTELLA® hazelnut spread on the 4 whole slices of bread. Top each with a cut-out slice to reveal the NUTELLA® hazelnut spread beneath.

    Serve warm with a glass of milk and side of fruit.  

    Tip: The cut out pieces of bread don't have to go to waste - they can also be turned into small pieces of French toast.

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