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Christmas recipe

Nutella® Christmas Waffles

Want to surprise your family with a creative Christmas Nutella® breakfast?

A little matcha powder to give waffles a forest appeal, berries for the woodland taste and Nutella® festoons to complete the party feeling: serving an impressive Christmas breakfast is easier done than said!

1 h 10 min
Nutella® Christmas Waffles

INGREDIENTS for 8-10 waffles

  • 15g Nutella® per waffle

  • 500g flour

  • 300g sugar

  • 100g melted butter

  • 4 eggs

  • 1 pinch of salt

  • 500ml of milk

  • 1 sachet of baking powder

  • 1 tablespoon of matcha powder

  • Fruits for decoration (raspberries and blueberries)


  1. Nutella® Christmas Waffles 1

    Add the flour, the sugar, the baking powder and the eggs and mix together

    Add half the milk, keep stirring, and then add the other half whilst continuing to stir

    Add the melted butter and 1 pinch of salt and mix

    Next, separate into 2 bowls.

  2. Nutella® Christmas Waffles 2

    Add the matcha powder to the second bowl and then mix

    Leave to stand for 30mins

  3. Nutella® Christmas Waffles

    Turn on the waffle iron and make the waffles

    Cut 1 of each waffle in half and arrange 1 plain half-waffle, 1 matcha half-waffle and another plain half-waffle on a plate.

  4. Nutella® Christmas Waffles 5

    Use a piping bag to pipe Nutella (15g) in the shape of a Christmas wreath, and then arrange the fruits in the shape of Christmas tree

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