All the cocoa we buy for Nutella comes from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.

Cocoa farmers face several economic and social issues, and this is why Ferrero made a commitment in 2011 to responsibly source 100% certified cocoa beans by 2020 to help improve their living conditions and foster sustainable practices. By sourcing cocoa from Rainforest Alliance Certifed™ and UTZ certified farms we help improve the livelihoods of farmers and their families and conserve natural resources and biodiversity (discover more: www.ra.org). Certified farms have to follow strict criteria to help ensure environmental, social and economic sustainability. Certification and traceability are the starting point of Ferrero's sustainability approach, but we also go beyond certification to increase our impact on the ground.

Through the implementation of the Ferrero Farming Values Cocoa Programme, we are committed to supporting them in adopting sustainable agricultural practices aimed at increasing cocoa productivity and income diversification. This in turn will contribute to improve their livelihoods and that of their communities. We are also moving to a more personalised support for farmers through individual Farm Development Plans to increase positive change.

says Momboye Célestin, one of many cocoa farmers who have participated in farmer trainings organized by Ferrero’s partner ECOOKIM.
ECOOKIM is a union representing over 37,000 cocoa farmers in Côte d’Ivoire. In 2021-22, we sourced cocoa beans from 10 of its cooperatives and over 15,000 farmers were trained in our Farmer Field Schools. Thanks to these efforts, these farmers have seen a significant increase in cocoa yields and income.

We also actively support initiatives that have a broader scope than our direct supply-chain. For example, since 2008 we are members of the International Cocoa Initiative, a multi-stakeholder platform that aims to ensure a better future for children and to advance the elimination of child labour.

Going forward
Ferrero is fully committed to ensuring our cocoa does not come from protected areas and does not contribute to deforestation.
As one of the founding members of the Cocoa & Forests Initiative (CFI), we are committed to working collaboratively with other leading global cocoa and chocolate companies as well as the governments of Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana to end deforestation and forest degradation across the global cocoa supply chain.
You can read about our CFI Action Plan here and about our CFI progress report here.
At Ferrero, our ambition is to have a cocoa industry that is better for both people, and the planet. We are therefore dedicated to the responsible sourcing of cocoa and as part of this, we have created our own Cocoa Charter. This Charter outlines our long-term commitments and our Action Plan explaining how we will work towards achieving these commitments.