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Crepes with Nutella® and fruit

40 min
Bon appétit.

Share the recipe with the hashtag #nutellarecipe

In France, tenant farmers used to offer Crêpes to their landlords as a sign of loyalty and friendship. There's an anecdote to share when you're offering the delicious Crêpes with Nutella® and fruit you have made to your family and friends.

Crepes with Nutella® and fruit

INGREDIENTS for 4 portions

  • 3 Eggs

  • 250 g Plain flour

  • 15 g Butter

  • 220 ml Milk

  • 60 g Nutella® (15 g/portion)

  • For decoration

  • Fresh fruit

nutella – an ingredient to prepare this delicious recipe

Za pripravo tega okusnega recepta zadostuje 15 g Nutelle® na osebo!


  1. Crepes with Nutella® and fruit - STEP 1
    STEP 1

    To prepare the crepes you need 2 bowls: pour the milk and flour in and mix together; combine the eggs and the butter in the other. Then mix together these 2 mixtures. Let the batter rest for 15 minutes at room temperature.

  2. Crepes with Nutella® and fruit - STEP 2
    STEP 2

    Grease a grill plate with absorbent paper containing oil. Heat up the grill plate and pour on some batter, creating crepes that are approximately 26 cm in diameter. Cook on both sides until they are equally firm. Serve the crepes spread with Nutella® (15 g each) and fresh fruit of your preference (bananas, strawberries...).

Bon appétit. Share the recipe with the hashtag #nutellarecipe

In France tenant farmers used to offer crepes to their landlords as a sign of loyalty and friendship. There's an anecdote to share when you're offering these delicious crepes with Nutella® and fruit you have made to your family and friends.

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Naše palmovo olje ima 100% certifikat RSPO (Okrogla miza o trajnostnem palmovem olju), je trajnostno in sledljivo, prav tako se zavzemamo, da ne bomo krčili gozda.

Dobro je vedeti

Ves kakav, ki ga nabavljamo, prihaja s kmetij, ki imajo certifikat Rainforest Alliance. (Združenje za ohranitev deževnega gozda).

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