Ferrero’s activities to achieve sustainability along its hazelnut value chain include the traceability of this ingredient.
Our hazelnuts come mainly from Turkey, Italy, Chile and the USA. Ferrero is committed to achieving full traceability of its sourced hazelnuts in its hazelnut value chain. Traceability in Ferrero’s hazelnut value chain refers to being able to trace the hazelnuts back to their origin, either the individual farm or “farm cluster”. Achieving this commitment has been challenging in some countries where supply chains are larger and more complex. In other countries, higher levels of traceability have been reached. In Chile and the USA, for example, Ferrero has achieved full traceability.

Ferrero has published a Charter document dedicated to hazelnuts, which has been developed together with Earthworm Foundation. The Ferrero Hazelnut Charter outlines Ferrero’s requirements and commitments regarding the responsible sourcing of hazelnuts. The Charter is based on Ferrero’s selected priorities in three areas: Human Rights and Social Practices, Environmental Protection and Sustainability and Supplier Transparency, towards its aim to be a driving force behind a hazelnut industry that creates value for all. Central to enabling the implementation of the Charter will be Ferrero’s sustainability programme, Ferrero Farming Values (FFV) for hazelnuts, as well as partnerships and collaboration with suppliers, trusted partners and other value chain actors.
Ensuring quality and freshness
The hazelnuts used in Nutella® come from hazelnut orchards, which are mainly found in Mediterranean type climates. Our hazelnuts come from different parts of the world, our main origins are Turkey, Italy, Chile and the USA. Turkey’s Black Sea region is the world’s largest producer of hazelnuts and as a consequence where we source the main part of our hazelnuts. Ferrero’s expertise and tradition with this fruit goes back to its roots in Italy, as supply can also be found in Piedmont - where Ferrero was founded - as well as in Lazio and Campania. The harvest takes place between the beginning of August and the end of September.

To ensure the availability of quality and fresh hazelnuts, cultivation is also taking place in countries from the Southern Hemisphere, representing an additional harvest from February to March. As part of this approach, Ferrero has established hazelnut farms (Agrifarms) in Chile, Argentina, South Africa and Australia, in addition to Georgia and Serbia. Through these Agrifarms, Ferrero is developing a sustainable business model with local farmers, sharing and promoting good agricultural practices (nurseries, training, agronomic assistance, etc.). Discover more inside Ferrero's latest Sustainability report here.

Sustainability in hazelnut sourcing
Ferrero’s vision towards sustainability aims to improve the conditions of the hazelnut communities where it operates.

Joining forces with key stakeholders
At Ferrero, we take ethical practices, including better employment practices within the hazelnut value chain, very seriously. Ferrero actively participates in an extended Public-Private Partnership with CAOBISCO (European Association of Chocolate, Biscuits & Confectionery Industries) and the ILO (International Labour Organization) in Turkey, through a project that aims to contribute to the elimination of the worst forms of child labour in seasonal agriculture in hazelnut harvesting. Ferrero is also partnering with Earthworm Foundation, a non-profit organisation focused on positively improving value chains, on its responsible sourcing program for hazelnuts.