Paõ de queijo by Nutella®

INGREDIENTS for 6-8 servings
100 g tapioca sour starch
240 ml water
240 ml oil
3 – 5 g salt
5 eggs
240 ml iced milk
300 g semi-mature cheese
½ tbsp. of Nutella® per paõ de queijo

To prepare this delicious recipe, 15g of Nutella® per person is enough to enjoy!
Preheat oven to 175 °C on top and bottom heat.
Boil the water and oil together. Whisk the mixture while gradually pouring it into the tapioca sour starch.
Add the eggs one by one and gradually pour in the milk. Mix with salt and grated cheese.
Cover your hands with oil and form the mixture into little balls (approx. 4 cm across). Place the balls on a strip of baking paper.
Bake the balls for a total of 30 minutes until golden brown, reducing the heat when they get bigger.
Cut the balls in half and spread Nutella® on each half (½ tbsp. per paõ de queijo).