Nutella® Mana’ish with Berries

INGREDIENTS for 4 portions (1 Mana’ish per person)
120g whole‐meal flour + extra for dusting
5g baking powder
2g salt
120g natural yoghurt
2ml olive oil
60g Nutella®
100g mixed berries

To prepare this delicious recipe, 15g of Nutella® per person is enough to enjoy!
Pre-heat oven to 180°C. Brush baking tray with olive oil.
In a bowl, mix flour with baking powder and salt. Add yoghurt and mix. Use your hands to bring the mixture into a ball.
Dust a clean working surface and a rolling pin with flour.
Divide the dough into two equal halves, then divide each half into two.
Use your hands to roll each of the four quarter into a ball. Each will be around 62g.
Roll out each ball into a thin round Man’ousha and place all four on the baking tray.
Bake for 12 minutes.
Bring out of the oven, leave to cool for a few minutes. Spread 15g Nutella® over each Man’ousha and top with mixed berries.