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Alman Wsalwa with Nutella® and Pistachio

1 h 0 min
Alman Wsalwa with Nutella® and Pistachio

INGREDIENTS for 6-8 portions

  • 2 egg whites

  • 150g sugar

  • 50ml water

  • 10ml lemon juice

  • 50g roasted pistachio

  • 100g Nutella®

  • 100g corn flour

nutella – an ingredient to prepare this delicious recipe

Avec cette délicieuse recette, il suffit de 15 g de Nutella® par personne pour se régaler !


  1. 1

    Add the sugar and water together in a pot and place on the hea until boiled. Add the lemon juice and boil until you have a sticky, hard syrup.

  2. 2

    Put the egg whites in a mixer and mix until white and fluffy. Add the hot syrup slowly and mix on high speed until the mixture becomes warm. Add the pistachio.

  3. 3

    Find a baking tray and cover it with half of the corn flour. Place half of the mixture on it and stretch out with a spatula to fill the tray from corner to corner.

  4. 4

    Add the Nutella® and again, spread to each corner. Add the remaining mixture and spread over the whole tray once more.

  5. 5

    Cover with the remaining corn flour leave to rest for 2 hours.

  6. 6

    Cut in to small portions and serve directly.

Huile de palme durable au Nutella
Bon à savoir

Notre huile de palme est 100% certifiée RSPO durable et traçable et nous nous engageons à éviter la déforestation.

Cacao durable au Nutella
Bon à savoir

Tout le cacao que nous achetons provient de fermes certifiées Rainforest Alliance.

Transformation Pot Nutella
Bon à savoir

Euh, en préparant cette recette, avez-vous fini votre pot Nutella®? Vous pouvez le recycler!

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