Brochettes de crêpes au Nutella®

2 Eggs
125 g 00 Wheat flour
15 g Butter
220 ml Whole milk
Fresh seasonal fruit
Nutella® (15 g/portion)

Pour savourer cette délicieuse recette, il suffit de 1 cuillère à soupe de Nutella® par personne!
You need two bowls to make the crepes: pour the milk and flour into one and in the other mix the eggs with the melted butter. Then mix the contents of the two bowls together. Grease a grill plate with absorbent paper containing oil. Heat up the grill plate and pour on some batter, making crepes that are approximately 26 cm in diameter. Cook on both sides until they are equally firm.
Fill the crepe with 15 g of Nutella® and roll it up, then cut it into little rolls of approximately 3 cm. Stick the crepe rolls onto wooden skewers, alternating each with a piece of fresh fruit.
Partagez la recette avec le hashtag #nutellarecipe
En France, les crêpes sont un symbole de partage et d'amitié. Regroupez ces brochettes de crêpes au Nutella® et partagez-les avec vos amis.